The Morganator

Morgan Clark van der Linden's Blog

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Training the Rocking Horse

First some background....

Morganator's daycare lady, Gayle, has three horses - two average size and one mini horse. One of the things the kids LOVE to do is to help her care for the horses. They are very well supervised and get to do things like help sweep or get water, etc. Morganator is always very proud when he gets to fetch grooming brushes or some other important job.

As a result, C and I have often seen Gayle training the horses. There are some exercises that get done where they are on a lead and she runs them around in a circle for a while. It's a fast and athletic activity.

So, the funny bit...

Yesterday I hear Morganator on his rocking horse and then I hear him talking and the sound of whacking. I look over from where I'm sitting and see him using a piece of hotwheels track like a whip (not hitting the horse, just whacking it nearby) and telling the horse things like "Git on, Go on. No stopping until I say so. Don't Stop!"

He was attempting to train the rocking horse as he'd seen the other horses be trained!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Birthday Boy

Another delayed post - I finally got some pictures off the camera.

So Morgan turned 5 a few weeks ago and for his birthday got a lovely new Batman bicycle from Mom and Dad and Grandma Kay added in the very useful Batman helmet and pads to round out the ensemble. He's got a few balance issues but seems to be really enjoying it.

Then at Grandma & Grandpa V's this weekend for Easter, he got his belated presents from them. As you can tell, he was only a little happy...

So much birthday fun and he's quite the ham for the camera, no?

The Coconut

Two friends of ours (and Morganator's Goddess parents), went to Hawaii on vacation and sent him a present:

Yes, it's a whole real coconut. The address is sharpied on the front (I edited out the address, sorry but weirdos abound). The stamps were glued and then stapled on.

The Morganator came home from daycare with Chuck to find it on the porch with a package from Amazon.

He was THRILLED! He carried it around with him for two days, cuddled it, wanted to sleep with it. Wanted to take it daycare....

Chuck says he's not going to desecrate the coconut by trying to open it - we don't hear any milk so it will probably not rot particulary quickly... And it might mean being able to miss the ER visit if the opening attempts backfire.